Call for Abstract

7th Annual Congress on Plant Science and Molecular Biology, will be organized around the theme “Emerging Novel Trends and Research on Plant Science in changing Environment”

PLANT SCIENCE CONGRESS 2021 is comprised of 10 tracks and 41 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in PLANT SCIENCE CONGRESS 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Plant hormones are synthetic compounds in plants that control cell forms. They are typically found in little sums all through the plant. These hormones are vital as they decide a wide range of traits of a plant. Plant hormones can be regular or manufactured.

Plant hormones assume an urgent trade in plant science as they decide a wide assortment of a plant's attributes. These attributes incorporate physical appearance, for example, the arrangement of leaves, blooms, and stems, improvement of natural product, and life expectancy. Plant hormones are found in higher plants, as well as are found in straightforward types of vegetation, for example, green growth.

  • Track 1-1Cell Cycling
  • Track 1-2Growth and Development
  • Track 1-3Formation of Vascular Tissues

Molecular biology is the branch of science that involves analysis of the structure, function and physiological role of various cellular biomolecules. Molecular biology basically involves molecular analysis of biological functions. Molecular biology follows a multidisciplinary approach of studying biomolecules by integrating the knowledge of biochemistry, genetics, cell biology and biophysics. Molecular biological studies provide insights into the various cellular and subcellular molecular mechanisms viz. DNA replication, transcription, translation, protein folding, DNA recombination etc. Contemporary molecular biology research incorporates the molecular analysis of the functioning of novel drugs and also the identification of specified molecular targets which can be exploited for pharmaceutical and medical applications.

  • Track 2-1Plant Molecular Biology Products
  • Track 2-2Culture Boxes and Accessories
  • Track 2-3Genomics, PCR and Arrays
  • Track 2-4Custom qPCR Probes

Multicellular tissue parts, called explants, got from living plants. Explants may begin from wide scope of plant tissues, like leaf, stem, root, hypocotyl, cotyledon, undeveloped organism, or meristem. Plant Biotechnology is noticeable in the field of medication interfacing biotechnology and bioinformatics, the atomic portrayal of therapeutic plants; sub-atomic cultivating; and result from Plant Biochemistry, nanotechnology, Plant pharmacology, horticulture, Biomass and biofuels also. Plant tissue culture is the development of plant cells furthest a flawless plant. It relies upon keeping up plant tissue in lab conditions on a reasonable supplement medium. The way of life can be supported as a mass of undifferentiated cells for a wide zone for a while, or recovered into entire plants. The divergent methods utilized in plant tissue culture. Plant tissue culture is generally used to deliver clones of a plant in a strategy known as miniature proliferation with various stages. Plant Biotechnology is the innovation which is utilized for getting current item with high return and at quicker rate.

Plant biotechnology is the result of collaboration between studies of science and is the mechanical misuse and control of organic frameworks. A significant part of all plant biotechnology measures is the way of life of either the microorganisms or plant cells or tissues and organs in counterfeit media

Plant tissue culture is an arrangement of creating plant cells, tissues, organs, seeds or other plant parts in a sterile circumstance on an enhancement medium. Plant Tissue Cultures are by and large started from.

  • Track 3-1Miniature spread in Plants
  • Track 3-2Green Plant Biotechnology
  • Track 3-3Biomass, Biofuel and By-items
  • Track 3-4On-going advances in Plant Biotechnology
  • Track 3-5Plant Reproduction and Development
  • Track 3-6Plant Cell Biology and Plant Genetic Engineering

Humanity has influenced our planet from numerous points of view. In the previous few centuries the adjustments in the public eye and the "Biodiversity" is the full intricacy and assortment of life, at all scales, from hereditary variety, up to species and even biological system variety. Thus, we utilize the expression "biodiversity protection" to allude to endeavors to save and any pieces of this normal variety. Plant variety is a significant plant of complete biodiversity - simply think about the extravagance of tropical jungles - .it frames the premise of all food networks, and supports the working, all things considered. In this way, plant preservation is a fundamental segment of endeavors for biodiversity protection. As plants are in danger of annihilation, altogether parts of the world, their preservation is a need.

Plants order the basic world and are the wellspring of essentialness for the bigger piece of other terrestrial living creatures. Current plants slid from a genealogical plant that lived in a land and water proficient circumstance. We will consider the transformative history of the plant realm to all the more likely comprehend the particular powers that have formed plants' turn of events and prompted.

  • Track 4-1Plant Ecology
  • Track 4-2Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences
  • Track 4-3Development and Economical Agribusiness

Plant nourishment is the examination of the compound segments and irritates that are significant for plant advancement, and also of their external stock and inside processing framework. In 1972,   E. Epstein portrayed two measures for a segment to be key for plant improvement: in its nonattendance the plant can't complete an ordinary life cycle or that the part is some piece of some crucial plant constituent or metabolite. Most soil conditions over the world can outfit plants with adequate food and don't oblige compost for a total life cycle. Plant nourishment is identified with plant chemicals. Plant chemicals are the synthetic which direct or advance plant development under some ecological condition.

  • Track 5-1Nutrition Improvement
  • Track 5-2Plant Immune Response
  • Track 5-3Soil and Plant Analysis
  • Track 5-4Soil Health
  • Track 5-5Plant Soil Science
  • Track 5-6Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences

Plant Biotechnology is noticeable in the field of medication interfacing biotechnology and bioinformatics, the sub-atomic portrayal of therapeutic plants; sub-atomic cultivating; and result from science, nanotechnology, pharmacology, farming, Biomass and biofuels also. Plant tissue culture is the development of plant cells furthest an unblemished plant. It relies upon keeping up plant tissue in lab conditions on an appropriate supplement medium. The way of life can be supported as a mass of undifferentiated cells for an expansive territory for a while, or recovered into entire plants. The unique strategies utilized in plant tissue culture. Plant tissue culture is generally used to create clones of a plant in a technique known as miniature proliferation with various stages. Plant Biotechnology is the innovation which is utilized for getting present day item with high return and at quicker rate.

  • Track 6-1Micro engendering in Plants
  • Track 6-2Green Plant Biotechnology
  • Track 6-3Biomass, Biofuel and By-items
  • Track 6-4Recent propels in Plant Biotechnology

Plant physiology is the investigation of all essential compound and actual interaction happening in plant. These are the sub control of herbal science worried about the working, or physiology, of plants. Firmly related fields incorporate plant morphology (construction of plants), plant nature (communications with the climate), crop physiology, plant cell science, biophysics and plant pressure physiology. Plant physiology looks to see every one of the viewpoints and indications of vegetation. In concurrence with the significant attributes of living beings, it is typically isolated into three significant parts: the physiology of nourishment and digestion, which manages the take-up, changes, and arrival of materials, and furthermore their development inside and between the phones and organs of the plant; the physiology of development, improvement, and generation, which is worried about these parts of plant work; and ecological physiology, which looks to comprehend the complex reactions of plants to the climate. The piece of natural physiology which manages impacts of and variations to unfavorable conditions—and which is accepting expanding consideration—is called pressure physiology.

  • Track 7-1Ecophysiology and Sustainability.
  • Track 7-2Genes, Development, and Evolution.
  • Track 7-3Membranes, Transport, and Biogenetics.

The unpredictable and various reactions of plants to nanoparticles, the sign transduction components included, and the guideline of DNA articulation. Further, it shows the photosynthesis of nanoparticles, the part of nanoparticles in the cancer prevention agent frameworks of plant science and farming, the valuable and destructive impacts of nanoparticles on plants, and the use of nanoparticles and nanotubes to MS, pointing eventually at an investigation of the metabolomics of plants. The expanding job of creations in the field of nanotechnology is delivering novel applications in the fields of biotechnology and agribusiness. Nanoparticles have gotten a lot of reaction on account of the extraordinary physic-substance properties of these mixtures. In the plant science, nanoparticles are utilized as "savvy" conveyance frameworks, provoking the Nobel Prize victor P. Ehrlich backing to get these parts as "wizardry slugs." Nanotechnology additionally assume a significant part in horticulture as compound manures and moment pesticides, going about as synthetic conveyance specialists that target particles to explicit cell organelles in plants.


  • Track 8-1Nanotechnology in plant sustenance
  • Track 8-2Nanotechnology application in plant tissue culture
  • Track 8-3Medicinal plant nanotechnology

Plant morphology is about with both the vegetative designs of plants, just as the regenerative constructions. It incorporates plant advancement, botanical construction, fertilization and preparation. Plant morphology gives an outline of the study of manages the outside type of plants. Plant digestion incorporates the complex of physical and synthetic occasions of photosynthesis, breath, and the interaction of common mixtures. Plant breath is biochemical cycle in plants whereby explicit substrates are oxidation with a resulting arrival of carbon dioxide, CO2.

  • Track 9-1Vegetative proliferation
  • Track 9-2Plant Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  • Track 9-3Primary and Secondary Growth
  • Track 9-4Pollination and treatment

Plant delivers a huge assortment of characteristic items with exceptionally different constructions. These items are ordinarily named as "auxiliary metabolites "which are fundamental for plant development and improvement. Auxiliary metabolites were previously viewed as side-effects without physiological capacity for the plant with the development of the field of the compound biology around 30 years prior. Notwithstanding their physiological capacity in plants common items additionally firmly affect human culture and have been utilized all through mankind's set of experiences as toppings, shades, and drugs.

  • Track 10-1Plant Protection
  • Track 10-2Removing elements for beautifying agents utilizing green advancements
  • Track 10-3Manageable strategic policies
  • Track 10-4Common substitutes for petrochemical fixings
  • Track 10-5Chitosan as an essential for individual consideration items